Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Weekend With Bugs, July 11, 2009

The idea of capturing photos of different colored butterlfies have been in my mind since a few weeks ago when I saw one with a flag type pattern on its wings. The elusive butterfly had exactly one half of its wings in the color white and the other half in lemon yellow.

This particular interesting butterfly liked being photographed. Her cooperation made taking photos of its species very easy. This one greeted me when I arrived at my farm and alighted on a leaf of my Santol tree. I took the opportunity to take out my camera, run to where she was resting, and snap as many photos as I could before this butterfly could fly off. She stayed still for quite some time, posing for me as it sat on the leaf, and let me take my shots. After I was done, she quickly flew away.

In contrast to the pretty butterfly, the following orange bugs gathering on the okra plants and are quite comfortable staying still for me to photograph them. These orange bugs are actually "Milkweed Beatles" and are very common in summer gardens. Better left to nature to deal with these "pests".

This is the monsoon season, a favorite time for bugs meet & mate with their kind. Once finished breeding, these bugs will fall to the ground, and eventually become food for a toad. Birds seem to avoid eating them. Only toads will eat everything and anything they find edible. The bugs advertise a warning with their bright orange color. takers except for wasps and salamanders.

These stingless native bees are sipping early morning "resin" sap from the rainbow eucalyptus tree.

Oncidium "Sharry Baby" with its mahogany colored flowers, has delicious aroma of Vanilla-Chocolate.

The following exotic blooms are "Lobster Claw" Heliconias.These large heliconias grow well in an area near a wall. These can grow to a very tall size like their cousins the banana plants and must be cut down during the rainy season or they will form huge clumps of shoots. The heliconia is a resilient plant and will grow back quickly.

The Lobster Claw Heliconia adorn a clay jar on my terrace.

Our cat named "HEART" takes a nap hidden in the grass, watching ducks play in a nearby field. She is named "Heart" because on the nape of this cat is an image of a Valentine heart.

Green papayas are used in Filipino "Tinola" chicken stew made with ginger, chilli plant leaves, that make a hearty, satisfying meal during rainy season. Eat with rice and fish sauce or "patis".

A favorite of bumble bees and other pollinators is the "Blue Butterfly Vine"

Asparagus spears must be harvested early in the morning to savor the tender flavor of a young spear. Aspargus need to be fertilized with organic matter, and once the rainy season come in, these little shoots surface during the cooler months.

Till next time, I thank you for visiting!